About Us

The Carmel Orchid Society is a group of orchid enthusiasts based near Carmel, California who enjoy getting together together to learn about orchids and their culture. We are also dedicated to exposing the public to the beauty and allure of these plants.

Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings have informative speakers, an opportunity to win orchids, food and fun. The society also has a picnic, auction, holiday dinner, and sponsors an orchid show in the fall. 

Attend Our Next Meeting

We meet on the first Monday of the month, except during months with social events, at 7 PM at the Community Church of Monterey Peninsula, 4590 Carmel Valley Rd. (Click for directions)

See Upcoming Meetings (Facebook)

Meetings include:

  • A speaker on some orchid related subject
  • Orchid Opportunity Table
  • A show, tell & sell table of blooming plants brought in by members
  • Light refreshments
  • Short business meeting