The BackBulb is Carmel Orchid Society's monthly newsletter.
February program: John OConnell & Irene Patton on "Get Out of the House"
January program: David Sorokowsky on "Don't Fear the Slippers- A Guide to Successful Paph Culture"
COS Holiday Party
2024 Fall Orchid Market
October program: James Shao on "How I Grow Selected Terrestrial Orchids Outdoors"
September BBQ & Picnic
August program: Peter T. Lin on "Neofinetia falcata and its Hybrids"
July Orchid Outing: Orchids in the Park 2024, San Fransisco
June program: John OConnell on "Sex, Deceit, and Abandonment, the Secret Lives of Orchids Reveled!"
May program: Bob Hamilton on "The ‘Orchid Craze’, Its Origin and Future"
April program: Cheri Wagner on "Semi-Hydro growing for Orchids"
March program: Mitch Schneider on "Zygopetalum Intergenerics"
February program: John OConnell on "Sex, Deceit, and Abandonment, the Secret Lives of Orchids Revealed!"
January program: Ron McHatton on "Everything You Wanted to Know About Pots and Potting Media"
December program: Annual COS Holiday Party
November program: Fall Orchid Market
October speaker: Ken Jacobsen on Laelia anceps
September program: COS Fall Potluck
August speakers: Roland & Leslie Chan on Organic Fertilizer and Pest Control
July program: Greenhouse Tour at Brookside Orchids in Portola Valley
June speaker: Mitch Schneider on "Kaleidoscope of Colors, Breeding with Cattleya Horace ‘Maxima’"
May speaker: Deric Wenzler on "The Great Variety of Orchids That Can Be Grown Outside in Our Area"
April speakers: John OConnell & Carolyn Salmon give a Repotting Demonstration
March speaker: Michael Tibbs on "Disas, Flowers of the Rainbow"
February speaker: John OConnell on "Variety is the Spice of Life"
January speaker: Ron McHatton on "Everything You Wanted to Know About Pots and Potting Media"
No December meeting due to the holidays
No November meeting due to Thanksgiving and our Fall Orchid Market
October speaker: Mary Gerritsen
No September meeting due to Labor Day
August speaker: Joe Parker
June speaker: Atsuko Veio
May speaker: Nicholas Rust
April speaker: Tanya Lam
March speaker: Scott Collins; 2022 POE
February program: A Tour of the Huntington Orchid Collection
January speakers: John OConnell, Carolyn Salmon